Current Training Schedule
Please call the Training Center at 406.442.9964 to attend classes. C-Stop No longer offered in person, click the link in Important Links to do the online training. TCT (Traffic Control Technician) This program is intended for workers responsible for assisting in the installation and removal of traffic control devices, monitoring their performance, and identifying any deficiencies during the project. The comprehensive traffic control course is 12 hours long. Participants must complete all courses to achieve Traffic Control Technician status. Additionally, participants must document a total of 2000 hours of traffic control experience to become a Certified Traffic Control Technician. TCS (Traffic Control Supervisor) This program is designed for workers responsible for supervising Traffic Control Technicians, Flaggers, and other workers involved in highway work zone projects. The program includes a single course totaling 16 hours of training. Participants must document a total of 4000 hours of traffic control experience to achieve Certified Traffic Control Supervisor status. Asbestos Worker Refresher 8-5 pm 02/02/25 Billings Asbestos Contractor Supervisor Contractor Supervisor Refresher 8 am 03/07/25 Billings Flagger 9 am February 02/04/25 Missoula March 03/04/25 Great Falls April 04/02/25 Missoula May 05/01/25 Missoula June 06/06/25 Missoula HAZWOPR/ Hazardous Waste Refresher 8 am 01/20/25 Butte Safety Essentials We no longer teach C-STOP classes, but we offer our members the Safety Essentials online class free of charge. This will allow you to work in any of the refineries. Please get in touch with the Training Center so we can get you signed up. TCT/TCS Refresher 8-5pm 02/24/25 Missoula 02/25/25 Helena Traffic Control Technician (TCT) Helena Traffic Control Supervisor (TCS) Helena 40-Hour Classes - Helena Training Center If we can't reach you (for example, if you don't have an answering machine or it's full) and there's a waiting list for the class, we'll offer your spot to the next person on the list
Page Last Updated: Nov 13, 2008 (12:36:06)